
Self Help and Adaptive Functioning

Self-help is what people do (usually through activities of daily living) to be able to take care of their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and wellbeing. Adaptive functioning is how people cope to the demands of every day life by using practical, social, and conceptual (organizational) life skills.

Dressing and Grooming

Steps to Fastening a Zipper and Brushing Teeth
A chart to track the steps to learning how to fasten a zipper and brushing teeth

Nail Clipping Desensitziation
Action Plan Sample

Nail Cutting

Bathing Checklist 1

Bathing Checklist 2

Managing Periods

Your Child’s Dressing Workbook
The workbook will guide you as you teach your child dressing skills

Buttons Website Resource

Dressing Myself General Hints and Tips

Hair Washing and Styling



Behavioural Interventions Chaining Chaining is a teaching technique that consists of breaking a task down into small steps and then teaching each specific step within the sequence by itself

Life Skills for Teenagers Website Resource

Life Skills for Little Ones Website Resource

Sensory and Self-Regulation

Sit and Be Focused! Sensory Strategies

Heavy Work Activity for Home
A list of activities that can be incorporated into the child’s daily routine


Healthy Bodies for Girls Appendix A
Parent's Guide on Puberty for Girls with Disabilities

Healthy Bodies for Girls
A Parent's Guide on Puberty for Girls with Disabilities

Manipulating Toilet Paper

Healthy Bodies for Boys Appendix
A Parent's Guide on Puberty for Boys with Disabilities

Healthy Bodies for Boys
A Parent's Guide on Puberty for Boys with Disabilities
